Let's Find Your New Home
West Central has developed and currently manages 422 units of multi-family housing on 12 properties in Cass, Jackson, Henry, St. Clair, Cedar, Hickory and Benton counties. Over 80% of the units are senior housing and 12 are for individuals with special needs. West Central is also a partner in three other multi-family developments having a total of 72 units.
Rent and security deposits vary by property. Please contact the property site manager for more property specific, security deposit information. The resident pays for the gas and electric bills, but a credit is deducted from their rent calculation to assist in paying for this expense.
Please look at each individual property below, for more information.
Antioch Hills, 1819 North Gaines, Clinton, MO
90 Unit Family Property
660-885-8200, [email protected],
Appleton Estates, 300 South Beech, Appleton City, MO
20 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
660-476-2185 X 1504, [email protected]
Cedar Ridge, 1201 East Patricia, El Dorado Springs, MO
12 Unit Housing for the Developmentally Disabled
660-476-2185 X 1505, [email protected]
Greenleaf Estates, 16805 Spring Valley Road, Belton, MO
42 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
816-331-4620, [email protected]
Greyhound Apartments, 507 West Colt, Windsor
24 Unit Family Property
660-987-1919, [email protected]
Hawthorn Estates, 1900 Jenkins Drive, Harrisonville
40 Unit Senior 55 and Older Property
816-380-6833, h[email protected]
Hickory Estates, 701 West Hwy. 54, Hermitage
23 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
417-745-0131, [email protected]
Maplewood Estates, 1119 South Maplewood Place, Stockton
27 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
417-276-3330, [email protected]
Oaktree Villa, 919 Walnut Drive #C-2, Warsaw
22 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
660-438-5007, [email protected]
Prairie Estates, 1515 Jones Avenue, Grandview
48 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
816-767-1445, [email protected]
Walnut Estates, 412 West Walnut, Raymore
34 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
816-331-2959, [email protected]
Willow Estates, 4800 South Hocker, Kansas City
40 Unit Senior 62 and Older Property
816-350-3134, [email protected]
All general property information inquiries may be directed to [email protected]
How much will my rent be?
30% of your income less a deduction for medical expenses and a utility allowance deduction.
How much is the security deposit?
30% of your income less a deduction for medical expenses
Are there washers and dryers in the units?
What is the average cost of electricity?
$81 is the average bill.
Is there a cost to participate in the service coordination program?
Is there an application fee?
are there garages or covered parking?
What are income limits and how do they apply to me?
Income Limits are the maximum gross income a household size can earn. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets income limits for each state and county annually. Our Housing Programs are mandated to follow these income limits for the households we serve.
What is a Waiting List and how does it work?
You may easily get on our property’s waiting list by completing a simple application process. Your application is then date stamped and timed into the waiting list. Applicants are then notified from this list when and apartment will be coming available for them.
(660) 476-2185
Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM-5:00 PM
Address 112 West 4th Street,
Appleton City, MO 64724
Email [email protected]