Community Services

We are here when you need us!

Need utility assistance?  Better job skills? Food? Resources for your family? Give us a call!

Ways to contact West Central: (Please include your Name, County of Residence, and how we can help!)

  • Call our Central Office at 660-476-2185, Option 6, leave a message. 
  • Text 660-466-2134 
  • Email us at: [email protected]
  • Visit us at an office location near you!

Northern Office:  208 West Walnut
Raymore, MO  64083

Central Office/Administrative Headquarters112 West 4th Street, Appleton City, MO  64724

Southern Office/Liston Center:
508 North Main St,
El Dorado Springs, MO 64744

Additional services:

New Growth Transit (transportation services)


New Growth Women’s Business Center


more at



We can also assist you at our Mobile Action Center (MAC), an office on wheels! 

Here’s where the MAC will be this month: MAC Schedule

For complete contact information and a listing of West Central locations, visit Service Directory | West Central Missouri Community Action Agency

Need Utility Assistance? Cick here for information on the Low income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

FACES (Family and Community Engagement Strategies) 

Need help locating resources? Learning a skill? Improving daily living? Visit our FACES team page and learn more!

Please click here to view our Privacy and Security Notice

Community Services Block Grant Makes Our Services Happen!

Our Community Services program, primarily funded by the Community Services Block Grant, offers a wide array of programs to help improve lives. From emergency utility assistance, energy assistance, food pantries, and a whole lot more, we want to visit with you. Let us help you find your path to self-sufficiency!


Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is unique in its design. It serves as a funding stream to fuel the vehicle that improves condition in communities and delivers direct services to people struggling to achieve self-sufficiency. The vehicle is Missouri’s 19 Community Action Agencies (CAAs), each governed by a local board of directors, including community leaders and low-income individuals. Using CSBG funding as their core, agencies then leverage other public and private resources to weave a network of support for families and communities. In Missouri, the Federal Community Services Block Grant is administered by the Family Support Division in the Department of Social Services. People are poor for a variety of reasons that vary from community to community and family to family. That’s why CSBG funding is flexibly designed to enable communities to create the types of programs that work best among their neighbors. Through our office hubs in Raymore, Appleton City, and El Dorado Springs, and through our Mobile Action Center, clients are linked with services that address many of these issues that lead to self-sufficiency: employment, education, housing, emergencies, nutrition and income management.

For more information on any of the projects listed above, please contact West Central Missouri Community Action Agency Community Services Unit at 660-476-2185, Option 6.