Title: Client Grievance Policy
Effective Date: October 26, 2023
Applicable Unit(s): All Units
Supersedes: N/A
Cross Reference: N/A
Policy Detail:
I. Purpose West Central Missouri Community Action Agency (“West Central” or “Agency”) believes the individuals and families it serves have the right to receive respectful and responsive services in a safe environment. To ensure this for clients and/or their representatives, West Central is committed to providing a way for grievances to be made and resolved.
II. Policy/Procedure
A grievance is a problem a client has encountered with West Central services or a client complaint regarding West Central services. For example, a grievance may involve program rules/requirements, the West Central staff members the client has had contact with, or the environment in which the client was served. A concern expressed to a West Central staff member that can be addressed at that time by available staff is not considered a grievance. If the concern cannot be addressed at the time it is received and must be resolved by a supervisor or some other individual with decision-making authority at a later time/date, it becomes a grievance.
The Client Grievance Policy will be posted in all of the West Central offices/worksites and will be posted on the Agency website. It is against West Central policy for clients filing a grievance to be retaliated against in any manner by West Central personnel.
Note: If Units have Unit-specific funder-required or Agency-approved grievance policies, such policies shall control in the event of any conflict between the terms of such other policy(ies) and this policy. If a client has a problem or complaint, the following steps should be taken:
Step 1. The client should talk to a West Central staff person he/she feels comfortable with about the problem or concern. The client can meet with a staff member in person to discuss the problem or concern or can contact a staff member at 660-476-2185. The staff person will try to resolve the problem or concern at that time. If the problem or concern is resolved, the process ends here.
Step 2. If the staff member is unable to resolve the concern at the time it is reported by the client, the grievance procedure is initiated; and the staff member immediately reports the grievance to the Unit Chief (or the Unit’s designated grievance officer) who contacts the client.
Step 3. If the Unit/Unit Chief is unable to resolve the grievance within 5 workdays, the client will be notified by the Unit Chief that he/she may submit a written grievance to the West Central President by mail: West Central Missouri Community Action Agency Mary Lou Schussler, President 112 W. 4th St. Appleton City, MO 64724 or e-mail at [email protected]. The President will attempt to resolve the grievance as soon as possible and will provide a written response to the grievance within 10 working days of receipt of the written grievance from the client. The President’s decision will be final.
Step 3: Each Unit Chief will maintain a log of all grievances in his/her Unit to include client name, date of grievance, and description of final disposition (i.e. resolution or closure and date).